Cute4j is a set of Qt libraries packed for Java developers.
No additional knowledge of Qt is necessary.
This is not a port nor a binding of Qt to Java.
There are APIs similar to Swing and other usual Java APIs.
If you are familiar with Java Swing you will know how to use Cute4j Swing.
The project is hosted on Google Code:
and the first downloads for Win32 are available here:
Downloads for other platforms will be available later.
The site and the project are currently in the preparation. Until a better verison of the site here are first few screenshots.
Swing Set | Swing Set Buttons | Source Code | Notepad | OpenGL Demo | Graphics |
Swing Set | Swing Set Buttons | Source Code | Notepad | OpenGL Demo | Graphics |
Swing Set | Swing Set Buttons | Source Code | Notepad | OpenGL Demo | Graphics |
Swing Set | Swing Set Buttons | Source Code | Notepad | OpenGL Demo | Graphics |
Stay Tuned. More will come. :)